January 74th rolls around every year and we wonder if we are going to make it! You’re not the only one feeling the January blahs…it’s gotta be that post holidays let down piled on top of the cold weather, right?! I find myself searching for a beach house…because I need some warmth and vitamin D! So how do we cope with the January blahs when the beach houses are too expensive and like 2 months away anyways? Here is what is fueling me:
Feed my spiritual soul
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 .
You may be wondering what the heck does take my yoke upon you mean? It was once described to me this way…
Yoke: a wooden bar or frame that connects two animals to enable them to work together.
Isn’t that a cool picture? God himself wants to unite himself with me/you! Not only that, but doesn’t that look heavy and confining? Well…He knows we might think that, so He clarifies that No…He wants to lead us gently and humbly. He wants to carry our burdens to lighten our load. I love that He also promises, that when we unite ourselves to him…we WILL find rest for our souls.
So practically you may be wondering what does it look like to unite myself to God? God has never spoken to me audibly. I do believe He has the power to do that, and I do believe that He does do that, but it’s just never happened to me. So how then do I “meet” with God? He always speaks to me the loudest when I read the bible, or am doing a bible study. So I encourage you to read! Some great resources are sites like: Shereadstruth.com or Ifequip.com
And Pray. Prayer is simply talking to God. Pour out your heart, your worries, your struggles, your doubts. Ask God to meet you where you are. He promises he will.
29 But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. Deuteronomy 4:29
2. Feed my Creative Soul
This may not be you, but I feel myself getting really stir crazy when I am not doing something creative or when I go a few weeks without creating. Hence my blog, photography, art projects, decorating my house, writing. This is who I am. So who are you? Do you feel stir crazy when you haven’t worked out, been in nature, met up with friends, or traveled in a long time? Honestly, I wish I would have learned this about myself a long time ago. I never realized I had such a creative need in my life until the motherhood hit me like a ton of bricks.
So lets not feel guilty about those things that we love and make us who we are. Let’s not look at another sister who is killing it in her workouts and feel less than…that is who she is, and doesn’t mean that is who we need to be! Let’s cheer one another on to pursue our passions and realize we are all created uniquely and different.
So tell me, can you identify what it is your passionate about? What is that thing that if you don’t do it, you find yourself feeling stir crazy?! Will you share with me in the comments, because I’m kind of fascinated by this. What is it that feeds your soul?
****In full disclosure…that first photo of me collapsed on the floor is a more accurate depiction of my feelings on the day to day. I’m not saying you should feel perky and sunshiny all the time…bc I sure don’t. And friends, sometimes we can do these things I mentioned above and still feel off. If that is you, seeking out professional counsel is the bravest and strongest thing you can do for yourself. Much love.****